Hello, I was asked to write a few words about my HOME town St. Johns. My name is Brad Overson and St. Johns is where I was raised. I am the fourth generation of Overson’s to live in St. Johns from my great grandfather to myself. My Parents are Ross and Dana, two of the best parents anyone could ask for, whom I owe a great deal to for giving me the opportunities and the lessons that get me through life today. Growing up in St. Johns was truly a blessing; I may not have said that in my teen years, but once I was on my own I learned that I had experienced more in this small town then most do in a life time.
Some of my memories have become cloudy in my old age, but a few still stand out as if it were yesterday. Remembering how comfortable it is living here when as kids could take off on our bikes all over town, could walk to the pool to swim at 1 every afternoon, when summers consisted of working and then playing. We didn’t have cell phones to check in nor did we have to have a parent sitting watching our every step because of BUSY traffic. Raising animals and learning how to care for them, I was a member of the 4H club here when Sister Humes was the leader of the western horse showing, Scouts with Vergy Postered as our leader, sports as we got older with dads coaching the teams. You just can’t get any better.
Not only is this a comfy place but it’s full of good people. I cannot think of an instance where someone needed help and couldn’t get it. More often than not my father, who was a great example to me of service, would spend more time helping others than on stuff of his own. Hard work is a must was his phrase of choice. Spending the majority of our time getting wood, fixing someone’s vehicle, or gathering cows, and loving every minute of it of spending time with my father and others who gathered together to help someone.
I was always looking for work as a teen ager and got my first job working with my grandpa at the tire store and on the ranch, although I was a chatter box I spent a lot of time listening when he would tell stories of my dad when he was my age and stories of him and his father going horse back to Holbrook to see the first train go by, and flying in WWII, helped me I got my first job outside of family with the feed store in town, Clint and Cherie Wiltbank gave me a job helping around the store. Working there my entire high school I grew leaps learning how to talk to people and staying motivated to finish tasks. From there I went and served a mission in Boston Massachusetts, and boy was I thanking the people of St. Johns as the experiences of helping those was a rewarding blessing with countless opportunities to help with vehicles and handy guy repairs which lead to teaching opportunities.
Now with my own family one little boy and a girl on the way, my wife and I have returned to raise our family and offer the same opportunities that we count as priceless. Lessons and blessings this small town.