Saturday, September 17, 2016

Look Closer by Nicole Johnson

Growing up, I always hated how my hands looked. I felt I had stubby fingers with no femininity. I tried to make them look better by always having my nails done, and I kept my skin smooth with lotion.

Years later, I was in the hospital with my mom, and I held her hand. As she drew nearer to heaven, I held tighter. It was then I looked down and saw our hands, interlocked, identical. I saw the potential my hands had, to be as hers. While I'll never be the woman she is, I see my hands differently now. I see the beauty. And as I saw this, I reflected on the tender mercies of her hands in my life. I see that I can work, serve, and love as she did. Her hands now live through me.

My mother's hands soft and clean
Rub softly on my head
As she sings to me a lullaby
While I lay sleepy in my bed. 

My mother's hands rough and warn
As she faces a long, hard day.
Those hands give selflessly
Serving others along their way

My mother's hands warm and safe
Gently wipe away my tears.
She calms my every doubt
She calms my every fear. 

My mother's hands aged and whole
Grasp my infant's hand.
As she whispers sweet I love yous
A tender mercy, from where I stand. 

My mother's hands are weary 
As her spirit is called home. 
I hold them tightly, seeing
Her hands are like my own. 


  1. This is so beautiful Nicole! You have your mom's talent for writing! She was beautiful inside and out and so are you!

  2. You and your Mom have both been a blessing to our little town. Thank you
