Saturday, October 8, 2016

Building Cathedrals through Motherhood by Maren Sundahl

My mom was at my house a few weeks ago, and she had seen a video in Relief Society (I hope I'm remembering right) entitled "The Invisible Woman" by Nicole Johnson. She had me find it on Youtube, and I listened to/watched the 5-minute clip while working on getting some beets canned.  

Nicole had a friend of hers give her a book about cathedrals and churches in Europe, and on the inside of the book, the friend inscribed: "...With Admiration, for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees." The book was filled with pictures of detailed cathedrals, which took hundreds of years to build-more than one working man's lifetime. Nicole essentially tells that these builders would show up, day after day, to their jobs that they would likely never see finished, a job that their names would not even be on. An author in the book even claims that " great cathedrals will ever be built again because so few people are willing to sacrifice to that degree.”

One of the stories that struck Nicole was one of a rich man who came to visit one of the cathedrals while it was in its building stages. The rich man saw a workman carving a tiny bird that would eventually be covered by the roof. This was quite puzzling to him, and he asked the workman why he was going to such great lengths to carve, in detail, something that would never be seen. The workman replied, "Because God sees." 

As mothers, we are undertaking a huge responsibility and an integral part of the Plan of Salvation. We are essentially the builders of cathedrals that we will not live to see finished, but our work here does not go unnoticed. Our Father in Heaven is aware of each and every sacrifice we make for our children. Every meal we put on the table. Every story we read. Every time we exercise patience with an especially difficult child. Not even the smallest sacrifice goes unnoticed. And THAT gives me great comfort.

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