Sunday, October 23, 2016

Be The Good by Candice Bond

My sister who sells houses down in Phoenix was showing a house one day when she came upon this sign. She sent me the picture, and I had it made for her this year for her birthday. With all of the negativity in the world today, I think that this sign is a perfect reminder for all of us. Here are just a few ways we can “Be The Good” in the world today.

·         Be The Good in our families. This is one that is hard for me on a daily basis. It is so easy to get upset when things don’t go as planned. As a mother of 3 little girls, believe me when I say that 90% of the time, things don’t go as planned. All too often I let my frustrations get the best of me. I have found that as the mother in the home I have the ability to either “make” or “break” the mood in my house. If I am patient and kind, my family tends to react in a similar manner. The same goes for if I am cranky and angry.

·         Be the Good in our Community. We are so lucky and fortunate to live in such a wonderful tight-knit community. I have seen so much “Good” in our community lately. I love how everyone has pulled together to help raise money for the New Covenant Church renovations. Also, just this past weekend, individuals pulled together to search for Ted Raban. He hadn’t been missing for even an hour when there were already 25 + individuals that were out searching for him on foot and in their cars. He was found and returned home safely. Each day as we interact with each other we are presented with opportunities to help each other and be the “Good” in someone’s life. This may be as simple as saying “Hello” or anonymously doing a good deed.   

·         Be the Good in Society. Today we live in a world of negativity. Lately I can’t turn on the news or get on Facebook without reading about all of the horrible things happening in our world right now. Today’s society seems to have a “glass half empty” kind of attitude. There is always the silver lining; we just have to do a little searching to find it. Positivity is contagious. It is hard to be negative when you are around someone who is exhibiting positive thoughts and actions. Everyday we wake up with the freedom to choose our thoughts and actions! A simple thing, such as complimenting a stranger could be all it takes to make someone’s day.

Each day I strive to “Be the Good." I am not perfect, by any means, but I know that if I put forth effort and do the best I can, I will make a difference.  

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