Saturday, March 4, 2017

Finding Joy by Brad Jarvis

In today’s world, as the world sees things, there has never been a better time to be able to find joy.  Technology and mechanical advances have created some amazing things that can do the impossible and are a lot of fun.  The world would have us believe that this is joy.  Although these things are amazing and can bring a lot of happiness and fun to us and our families, it is far from the true definition of joy.  President Nelson states, “When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel we can feel joy regardless of what is happening or not happening in our lives.”  So by putting Christ and the gospel as the focus we are following Pres. Burgoyne’s council as to the “why” in our lives.  As we try to become like Christ and try living the gospel we put ourselves in the position of experiencing true joy.
One personal experience I find joy in, which I’m sure the world would view as small and insignificant, is having my boys conduct Family Home Evening.  My older boys have somewhat lost the enthusiasm, but if asked, are able to successfully accomplish it.  But we’ve got Shad who still loves to take charge and assign the prayers, songs, and treat.  If only as much thought went into the rest of the program as the treat, we would be well on our way to becoming spiritual giants.  
Years ago I heard a story told about a General Authority visiting England at the beginning of WWII. 
While he was waiting to organize sacrament meeting, the General Authority ran into a preacher that told him he hoped he had better luck holding a meeting then he had had since only a few people had shown up.  The General Authority invited him to attend sacrament meeting with him.  The preacher accepted.  The General Authority made assignments for conducting, speaking, taking care of the sacrament, etc.  The preacher watched in amazement as these boys didn’t hesitate and were able to fulfill their assignments.  After the meeting, the preacher asked the General Authority how this was even possible.  He responded by telling the preacher that these boys have been doing this their whole lives in the church.
When I heard that story I realized the importance of having my boys raised knowing how to conduct, lead music, and over all just be prepared to serve when needed.  It’s a simple thing that has brought joy to our family.
As we are trying to live the gospel we can find joy in any situation.  Saints regardless of their circumstances are able to find joy.  I’m sure we all know one, if not more, of those people that are just 100% solid, regardless of sickness or other struggles.  They are joyous and make the most of whatever life throws at them.  Please don’t think for one second I’m putting myself in this category. I can whine with the best of them.
President Russell M. Nelson recounts an experience that happened to Eliza R. Snow.  Because of Missouri’s infamous extermination order, issued at the onset of the grueling winter of 1838, she and other Saints were forced to flee the state that very winter.  One evening, Eliza’s family spent the night in a small log cabin used by refugee Saints.  Much of the chinking between the logs had been extracted and burned for firewood by those who preceded them, so there were holes between the logs large enough for a cat to crawl through.  It was bitter cold, and their food was frozen solid.
That night some 80 people huddled inside that small cabin only 20 feet square.  Most sat or stood all night trying to keep warm.  Outside, a group of men spent the night gathered around a roaring fire, with some singing hymns and others roasting frozen potatoes.  Eliza recorded: “Not a complaint was heard – all were cheerful, and judging from appearances, strangers would have taken us to be pleasure excursionists rather than a band of gubernatorial exiles.”
Remember Saints are happy in every circumstance, not just when things are going well, but in every circumstance.  This is possible because of joy. 
Another example of joy that we all are familiar with is Lehi and his family. Maybe some of us can relate to their situation – children going astray, brothers that took being obnoxious to an entire different level, actually tying up their brother and beating him.  Yet with all these things going on in his family, Lehi writes one of the simplest and most profound verses of scripture on joy: 2 Nephi 2:25 Adam fell that man might be, and men are that they might have joy.
Brothers and Sisters, I testify that our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and experience joy.  We can find joy in all circumstances. It’s a gift to those trying to live the gospel and become like Christ.

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