Saturday, September 30, 2017

This Small Town that Answers Prayers by Taytum Waite

They say when it rains, it pours. Well we've sure had our fair share of the downpour these last few months. It's almost laughable at this point. Trevor keeps saying he's not sure what lessons we are supposed to be learning, but we better figure it out quick!
I think maybe I personally have a lot to learn. I have an independent streak that runs deep. I like to think I don't need help and I can handle things on my own. It's an attribute in a lot of ways, but it also makes me prideful. The amount of love and service shown to our family by this little community, family, and friends is enough to bring me to my knees. Many, many times.
There is no way for us to adequately express our gratitude to everyone! Thank you for showing up at my door with things from your garden, meals I said I didn't need, gifts for our new little guy, cards with money to "help where needed," and so many other little and sometimes not-so-little (wonderful) things. Today people will be picking up pit-cooked pork roasts from a fundraiser that my cousin and friends did. Many thanks to you and your husbands. Thank you for the hours of planning and labor and for putting it all together and sending me a text shortly before fliers went up saying, "Don't be mad, but we love you!" You knew I'd say no if you had asked. 
All we asked for was prayers. We have received those by the hundreds, I'm sure, and SO much more. THANK YOU a million times over! You have been the answers I didn't know I needed to my prayers and many worries!

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