Sunday, April 10, 2016

Will We Pay The Price? by Orlando Mora

During a Hollywood version of knights of the round table the King’s daughter is kidnapped by an evil witch who wants to control the world. The Princess and several villagers are chained in a dark cave awaiting a dreadful death. During their captivity a villager asks the princess, “So is this where we pay for our sins?” The Princess responds, “No, your sins are welcome here, this is the price we pay for virtue.”

Even though this is a fictional story, the same scenario is played out in real life more often than you think. For example; every time someone slams a door on the faces of missionaries, or a more extreme case is the true story of the two missionaries who were kidnapped in Saratov Russia (The Saratov Approach). I have personally witnessed how non-believers treat religious people. I cannot begin to imagine how Christ felt as He withstood so much punishment from His own. (Everything He did, He did for others) and was treated with contempt. What He did caused resentment and hate in the same souls that He would ultimately save. 

As time speedily moves forward, it has become evident how difficult it is for new church members to stay active. I believe it will continue to grow harder, particularly as the people from the great and spacious building (the world) point fingers, laugh and criticize us. Recently our church leaders have given us counsel to keep the Sabbath Day Holy and to attend all our meetings during the Sabbath. Virtue is not free and we will all pay a price for it. Our neighbors will laugh at us. We will lose family as a result of becoming Mormons. Co-workers will mock us, because we blessed our lunch in the cafeteria. I want to be like the Princess who knows exactly why she is to be executed, and is willing to pay the price for virtue and for Love of God. 

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