Monday, November 21, 2016

Grateful by The Wiltbanks

Today is the Sunday before Thanksgiving and we have much to be grateful for.  The last few weeks have been full of politics.  So tonight I am grateful to be living in a land of freedom.  The pilgrims came to the Americas for relief from religious persecution, to gain freedom to practice religion.  We have witnessed the freedoms that these original pilgrims fought for, with having the opportunity to vote for the people who would best fight for our beliefs.  I am grateful to have the freedom of religion to be able to go to church and not be persecuted. I am grateful for the leaders of our nation, I am grateful for our local leaders.   I am grateful to live in St. Johns, I am grateful for the good examples that my children see in the people in St. Johns.  I am grateful to have a testimony of our Savior. –Wendy Wiltbank

I am grateful to live in such a unique small town where there is such a strong sense of community.  We moved her two years ago this month and it feels like we have lived here all our lives.  Thank you, St. Johns for being our friends.  I am grateful for how accepting the people have been towards my children.  I am thankful to be living in a country where I am able to choose how and what I believe.  Where I can express my opinion, discuss and debate those beliefs with others.   I am grateful for a wonderful and amazing wife.  I am grateful for 4 kids that strive to be successful in all they do.   I am most grateful for a Lord and Savior that accepts me even with my short comings and weaknesses and allows me to start each day with the desire to come closer to him.  –Carl Wiltbank   

Today I am grateful to live in St. Johns, when we first moved here I did not like being here. Over a short period of time I grew to love this small town. I have gained life-long friends and I have learned valuable life lessons that I will carry throughout the rest of my life. I can’t express how much I love to live in a place with people that are so loving, caring, and all around the best. St. Johns will always be the place I call home and I am proud of it. –Marcus Wiltbank

I am proud to call St. Johns my home. Within days of my moving to St. Johns everyone in town made an effort to befriend me. I have gained so much love and appreciation for this beautiful community. I am grateful for the amazing people who help to teach me valuable lessons on a daily basis to make me a better citizen, and all around person. Thank you to everyone that lives is St. Johns and makes an effort to make it how wonderful it is. –Alyssa Wiltbank

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